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This is an unusual devotion book designed to help you as individual OR to be used in a small group. There are chapters on everything from Moses' staff to dog walking.  My own personal stories are peppered throughout the book to help others see the powerful, personal God who holds you no matter what is going on in your life.

There are simple chapters like "refrigerator magnet Christians" that will ultimately end with helping you assess whether you are just using God's word as one-liners and appetizers or if you are sitting down and feasting on His fire-roasted word.

If you love to read, this should be your next book. If you are in need of encouragement, this should be your next book. If you are a human trying to be a better human, and need the Lord's help on a daily basis, this should be your next book (right alongside of the Bible, of course!)


Stacey L.

This is a daily devotional like no other, I say this because we all have a unique path to walk in faith, in the storm of life, the storm will end and then you’re stronger and wiser than before. I know this couple and they walked though tough times that would break the strongest of people However they both are true battle hardened faith warriors,



These are simple stories from real life. But suddenly you will find yourself seeing God in a different way and Jesus like you've never seen Him.  There is nothing lofty about this book but it will lift you up and encourage you no matter what is going on in your life. Be warned, it will also challenge you.


Margaret P

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