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This deeply meaningful and personal book will help you know Jesus more intimately. It will encourage you to drink deeply from the living water of Christ and jump into the bottomless ocean of grace that is greater than anything. Learn how you cannot outrun the outstretched arms of a God who will never leave you or forsake you.

Are you overflowing with joy? Do you wake up looking for the goodness of God expecting Him to show up and be strong on your behalf? Do you honestly feel like God is for you then who can stand against you? Many of us who are believers might not be able to honestly answer “yes and amen” to these questions. Why? Because we do not truly understand the wonder working power of Jesus Christ.

You may have tried it all – reading the Bible, getting involved in a church – working hard on “do this” and “don’t do that” and you feel exhausted and discouraged. In the land of three gardens some of us are still trying to “work” to cover our nakedness, our ugly, our flawed flesh with “fig leaves.” We have no trouble accepting how wretched we are, but we need to learn to embrace that we are more loved than we ever imagined.

Behold the Glory of God in the face of Jesus. Look again at the cross of Christ. In the history of us, there is no more redeeming, liberating, exhibition of love or costly sacrifice. Let’s walk together through the pages of UNDONE, UNTRUE, and UNFINISHED to begin living in the freedom and joy of the wonder working power of Jesus.


Deep Water

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the deep waters of living and are on shaky ground, come walk with me as we look at the ordinary things we all have in common which point to an extraordinary, unexplainable God. Do not fear, no matter how uneven the ground or deep the water, Jesus will steady the ground and calm the raging waves that you fear may down you.

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The Pig in 
My Heart

This 9-session study is designed to help us get to the bottom of our hearts; to talk about and study the real motivation behind our hunger, our hurts and the crater sized holes hiding in there. This study will guide us on a journey of examining our thought processes and correcting the pig-like ones by learning to let God fill the hunger and holes and heal our hurts.

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Radical Devotion

Welcome to the love story of a lifetime! I am so glad that you are going to walk through the deep waters of the Book of Ruth with me. We are going to find treasures hidden in the dark times of history and get a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes work that a Sovereign God is always orchestrating. We will explore together the epic story of how God paints our lives into His perfect plan with a brush dipped in the blood of Jesus.

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Look not so much on the book of Job as a book on suffering but rather as one on finding hope in a broken world. We will taste and see that the Lord is good as we give God the glory and worship at the display of His power and authority over all things. 

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