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This is a God study which by default makes it a Bible Study. A.W Tozer said that "our Bible reading should not be a marathon but a slow deliberate soaking in of its message." I pray that you approach this study with a ready mind, a receptive heart, a pen or pencil, a journal and are ready to dive into the deep end - head first or cannon ball style splashing everyone around you with the light of Christ.

II am so glad that we are going on the great adventure of learning more about our magnificent God! Get ready to see more of Who He is as He has revealed Himself through interactions with several familiar characters in the Scriptures.

We are made to want to know God more. In every human soul is a God-instilled recognition that there is something better and beyond the temporary. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us that God set or planted eternity in the human heart.

Each chapter of our lives will change as we study God's SOVEREIGNTY, His FAITHFULNESS, His OMNI Attributes. We will stand at a burning bush and worship our HOLY God. He will become bigger and greater as His ETERNALITY astounds us when we hear Him say His name - I AM WHO I AM.

We will again bow in humble adoration as we realize that His GRACE is a powerhouse of transformative power. We will finally grasp the strength of God's PEACE. The depth and richness of really understanding that GOD IS LOVE will fill us with overflowing joy.

At the end of our journey together, we will completely recognize how ALL that God is ALL the time is our only REFUGE and our strength.

When you see A GREATER GOD, then this will make a better you!

At the end of each chapter is an application section designed to make you think and to dig even deeper into God's word as an individual or in a Bible Study Group.


Deep Water

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the deep waters of living and are on shaky ground, come walk with me as we look at the ordinary things we all have in common which point to an extraordinary, unexplainable God. Do not fear, no matter how uneven the ground or deep the water, Jesus will steady the ground and calm the raging waves that you fear may down you.

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The Pig in 
My Heart

This 9-session study is designed to help us get to the bottom of our hearts; to talk about and study the real motivation behind our hunger, our hurts and the crater sized holes hiding in there. This study will guide us on a journey of examining our thought processes and correcting the pig-like ones by learning to let God fill the hunger and holes and heal our hurts.

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Radical Devotion

Welcome to the love story of a lifetime! I am so glad that you are going to walk through the deep waters of the Book of Ruth with me. We are going to find treasures hidden in the dark times of history and get a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes work that a Sovereign God is always orchestrating. We will explore together the epic story of how God paints our lives into His perfect plan with a brush dipped in the blood of Jesus.

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Undone, Untrue, Unfinished

This deeply meaningful and personal book will help you know Jesus more intimately. It will encourage you to drink deeply from the living water of Christ and jump into the bottomless ocean of grace that is greater than anything. Learn how you cannot outrun the outstretched arms of a God who will never leave you or forsake you.

Behold the Glory of God in the face of Jesus. Look again at the cross of Christ. In the history of us, there is no more redeeming, liberating, exhibition of love or costly sacrifice. Let’s walk together through the pages of UNDONE, UNTRUE, and UNFINISHED to begin living in the freedom and joy of the wonder working power of Jesus.

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