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Writer's picture: Linda Sullivan SmithLinda Sullivan Smith
Because it has been a while, I decided to read the gospels – all of them – again. I have a question for you. When was the last time that you read the gospels? Just read them - not necessarily studied them.
It has been a heart-wrenching, gut twisting, eye opening experience for me.

I've been writing and studying and reading so much of the rest of the Bible, which is of course all about Jesus too, that when I read HIS words and what HE said while He was on this planet, I have been astonished all over again by how RADICAL Jesus was!

Jesus was like no other – ever – as demonstrated by:

His love
His sacrifice
His commands
His requirements for being a disciple
His power
His meekness
His Omniscience

This list could go on to infinity and beyond (literally). The Jesus that was in the picture at my grandparent’s house with the pale face and the beautifully folded perfect hands does not exist – He never existed.

We've molded our Creator into a docile Savior who just came to save the lost sheep, then pat them on the head and send them off into the world powerless. That is not the Jesus of the Gospels; that is not the Jesus of the New Testament and that is not the Jesus of the Old Testament. It is certainly not God the Son!

This "in the beginning" God who became flesh and lived among us was relentless in the pursuit of His destination - the Cross. His teachings were the most radical that had ever been during His time and still are if we just look at them - if we just look at Him- really LOOK at Him.
He was tender with a prostitute and terrifying to the religious leaders. He was fiery about His Father's house, feared by demons, fed thousands with just a couple of fish and bread, healed hundreds, cursed a fig tree and washed the dirty feet of His disciples on the last night he was alive BEFORE the crucifixion.
He slept through a storm then spoke and the winds and waves obeyed Him. Do not think for one moment that He was not in charge of all things. He walked on water and then let a questionable woman wash those same feet with priceless perfume. He ate with the outcasts of society and called the most prestigious church leaders - hypocrites and whitewashed tombs.
Are we getting the picture yet? We have "toned" Him down, even dumbed Him down and wonder why we have no power. Why? I don't really know, maybe to make Him less offensive? To make Him more likable? To make Him more consumer friendly?

Jesus said:
“The one who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and the one who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And the one who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. The one who has found his life will lose it, and the one who has lost his life on My account will find it."


Jesus also said:
“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”

Jesus was like NO ONE ELSE, EVER! I see social media posts often in which Jesus is compared to Buddha and Muhamad etc. and summarized with "they" are still in the grave and Jesus is not. While this is true, it puts Jesus in the same category and He is like NO ONE ELSE, EVER! I also see little poster quotes that say, "so and so may be president but Jesus is still King”. Again, this is true, but it parallels the two characters and Jesus is like NO ONE ELSE!
Jesus pursued the cross with a passion that is foreign to us without His indwelling presence in us. Why do we not understand what He meant with these words, “And the one who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” In the first century the cross meant one thing, death! Jesus is calling us to radical self-denial and resolute dedication to Him. Do we die to self? Are we dedicated?
And in "only Jesus" fashion, that which we are unable to do on our own, He enables us to do through Him when we give Him our whole life. When we fall, He picks us up. When we sin (and we all do) He is faithful and just to forgive us. Nobody is ever going to love us like Jesus loves us! No one could redeem us but Jesus. When we really take that long concentrated look at Him, we get a much clearer idea of why these statements are true.
It's time for a fresh awakening. Join me, won't you? I'll buy you a cup of coffee and we can sit on my deck or in a coffee shop and fix our eyes on Jesus together.


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