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Even So, I Believe
I'm Changin'
I Wanna Go Home
When The Son Rose
Child of Mine
Dragons Left to Slay
He Knows Your Name
Faith Isn't Faith
Do You Know

God put into my heart a burning passion to tell everyone about Him, by any means possible, in any way possible and to seize every opportunity that presents itself.  This has meant authoring books, writing blogs, speaking at events and teaching large and small groups.  God also blessed me with a radio station in my head that plays music that must be written.

God also gave me a husband who is a music producer.  Wow, only God can orchestrate such unbelievable situations that put you in the path of the one He wants you to be with to fulfill His purposes.  Therefore some of the words, He gives me come out in the form of a song.

Just like the books I write, perhaps, the songs don't fit any particular category or genre.  They are story songs with strong and biblical lyrics and moving melodies.  They are all full of scripture wrapped around experience of a God who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more that we can ask or imagine; a God who sustains us in the worst that life can throw at us; a God whose promise to give us an abundant life NOW and in the great forever is absolutely true.

Here are just a few with many more to come.  I hope you listen and hear a life painted by God with a brush dipped in the blood of Jesus.  I hope you are encouraged.  I hope you see God more vividly and BIGGER than you ever have!

Here I Am
Nothin' More - Nothin' Less
Somebody's Gonna Worship
River of Time
Two Trees
Only Believe
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